Our Detachment In Action



Tom Faust and Kyleigh Faust volunteered to carry bags to the front door where moms and dads received delivery of their toys.

Det 284 Commandant Doug Graves with Lehigh County Commissioner Zachary Cole-Borghi. This was Zach’s first time helping the Marines and Toys-for-tots, but he said he will be back next year!

Doug Graves, Terry Keiser, John Pfeiffer, Bill Remo, Phil Armstrong, Bob Elbich, Jeff Weiner, and Glenn Rader—all ready to get to work!

Glenn Rader, Phil Armstrong, Terry Keiser and Bill Remo map out their strategy to hand out toys for Toys-For-Tots day at the Salvation Army building.

Amber Scavo, Bill Remo, Terry Keiser, Gail Kramlich, Glenn Rader, Rich Kramlich and Doug Graves take a break to pose in front of the Salvation Army building on Turner and 8th Street in Allentown. Photo credit: Carter Scavo who is slated to attend the Naval Academy.

Semper Fi Festival August 2021
Detachment 284 turned out to support the Bella Wood Detachment at this event for a worthy cause

Our detachment recruiters were onsite to find some Devil Dogs to fill our ranks

It was a fun day of music, food, beer and fun for a very worthy cause

There was a great crowd on site in the best possible weather.

Leathernecks rode bikes in from all over to support this charity event

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome 2020 Toys for Tots in Allentown
Above Left: Our friends at Mission BBQ in Whitehall provided chow for the Detachment members on site; Below Left: Roz Shows some of the fun toys given out to local children; Above Right: Fast, friendly service being provided to a local mom ; Below Right: Toys bagged a ready to head out the door